Friday, September 21, 2012

Finally...we are getting back to normal! :)

Well...this year was definitely off to a different start than other school years! :) As I mentioned in my previous post, we haven't had AC since the start of the 2012-2013 school year. The kids have been such troopers! We worked in our classroom throughout the AM while it was still cool. In the afternoon, we shuffled around the school building to open classrooms to try and stay a little cooler. This past week, we were out of our classroom for 2 whole days. On Wednesday, I set up classroom in the music portable. Thank GOD Ms. B is amazing and allowed us to be in her classroom all day. On Thursday, I created a classroom in the auditorium. I wish I took a picture because our make shift classroom wasn't too shabby! :) My coworkers have been AMAZING: offering their rooms, combining classes to give us a break from the heat, and loaning items for my make shift classrooms! I truly have the greatest coworkers! :)
Again, it has been amazing to watch how my kiddos have been able to work through all this craziness!! Moving up from kindergarten to first grade is a transition in itself. Throw all the other craziness and I was expecting a zoo. The kiddos suprised me and were SO awesome! :)
So, apologies about my lack of posts since the first grade year has started. With being shuffled around, the last thing on my mind was the blog! We have finished out Start Smart book and have now entered into our hardback reader! The kids are loving their "big kid" books! Next week, be on the look out for pictures of the kids in action and updates as to what is going on in 1A! :)
Thanks again for all the CONGRATS!
I am happy to share that I am expecting a baby BOY this February!! :)
Take a look at some of the class name suggestions:



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