Thursday, September 15, 2011

We had a great Wednesday! We reviewed a lot of beginning sounds in our new phonics workbook. We also practiced are handwriting and sentence writing. The sounds for the letters j, v, & x were reviewed. Yesterday we learned the words was & my. We also took our first math assessment. This assessment covered skills we learned from the past week. Please review with your child the importance of paying close attention and listening to my directions (repeated multiple times) so that he/she doesn't miss anything.

Many students finished their creation posters. The all turned out so beautiful!

Here are highlights of each day of creation:

 The Story of Creation by 1A students!

 Day 1: God created day and night.

 Day 2: God created the sky.

 Day 3: God made the mountains & oceans.

Day 4: God made the sun, moon, and the stars.

 Day 5: God filled the oceans and sky with animals.

 Day 6: God made all other animals. He also made Adam & Eve.

Day 7: God saw all that He created and knew it was good, so he rested!
(In a hammock of course!!)

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