Thursday, September 8, 2011

Today in 1A... was another rainy day for 1A! We started our morning off with a Rosary in honor of our Blessed Mother's Birthday! We came back into the classroom and colored 2 beautiful pictures of Mary. Here is a picture of the kids waiting for the Rosary to begin! :) 

We practiced the following letters & words:

short vowel o

When our word work was finished, we did an art project to hang in the classroom. While working on this project, each child was called to work with Mrs. G. With Mrs. G, the children reviewed their letters, sounds, days of the week & months of the year. In class, we used the Months of the Year Song & Days of the Week Rap to practice these topics! I would like all children to know both, in order, by the end of the month.

Just a reminder, please remove all papers from the take home folder daily.

Happy Thursday!

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